Hello and quack-quack! We are the creators and owners of the DotDucky project, Laura Margolis (IT Business Developer. Expert in domain name management. ALAC Member (At-Large, ICANN) and Natalia Filina (Marketing and communication expert for IT, digital, Telecom industry. EURALO Secretary (At-Large, ICANN). DotDucky is dedicated to Domain Names. More precisely, everything that is important to the participants of the domain market: basic knowledge, opportunities and threats of DNS, but our focus is Marketing and Analytics of the domain names market, the information that is not easy to find and access. And we share it for free! If you have not found useful information, most likely we are already preparing material about it. You just need to wait and subscribe to our social networks – all the latest news are there!
Or just email us: hello@dotducky.com.
Natalia Filina
Laura Margolis